"The Fortune is in the Follow-Up”: Best Practices Post-Event
You have pulled off a wildly successful event. Now what?
The way in which we engage with attendees after an event is over is paramount if we want our leads to convert into customers. Personalization is key and timing is everything, but here are a few additional things to consider when crafting a high-impact follow-up.
Make Sure Your Outreach is Personalized - thank them for coming in a way that goes above and beyond a mass email. Maybe you learn that someone from the call loves almond milk lattes, so you DoorDash them on the next morning with a quick ‘Thank you so much for attending our event yesterday. Your valuable insights added so much to the experience.” Remember that it doesn’t have to be expensive to be impactful.
Offer Value Beyond Self Promotion by focusing on solutions instead of pushing your product/service. Highlight how it addresses their specific needs based on the event interaction.
Offer Valuable Resources- share insightful presentations, recordings, or articles relevant to their interests.
Make Your Outreach Interactive- using video, polls, etc. make the information available to them interactively.
Connect on Social Media - post an event picture and tag your attendees. Your LinkedIn tells your prospects who you are and helps to establish brand credibility. Take it a step further by targeting social media ads for your event attendees.
Timing is Key- aim to send a follow-up message within 24 hours
Be Sure They Know What To Expect Next- Let your attendees know what is coming next. Maybe their rep will reach out to schedule a call. Perhaps the information from the session will be made available to them. Outlining what is next in the process keeps them engaged.
Give a Clear Call To Action- what is the next step in your sales process? Booking a demo call? Put a specific CTA in your wrap-up.
Multiple Channels for Multiple Preferences- follow up via email, phone call, or a personalized gift for maximum impact. Whatever you do, don’t allow your attendees to wander off into the abyss.
Keep The Engagement Going - by hosting a virtual event after the wrap-up of an in-person engagement. Imagine you learn that everyone at a dinner loves rare Bourbon. Get everyone together again virtually with a Bourbon tasting featuring some highly sought-after selections. Tailor the run-of-show to foster further relationships while letting those prospects get to know you a bit better. This shows you’re paying attention AND it’s a gorgeous gift that comes with an experience.
Don’t be Afraid to Ask for Feedback- By gathering valuable insights into attendee experience and preferences, you can tailor future events and refine your follow-up strategies. This ensures each interaction fosters deeper connections and drives conversions.
At Acquire, we measure our success by how well we are able to help our clients convert. We craft an impactful follow-up strategy for all of our events including guest notes, to aid in crafting the most personalized follow-up, customized videos with your messaging to engage prospects in an interactive way, and more. Let us help you go above and beyond the standard, by creating events that are not only high-impact but drive revenue growth.